Monday, February 13, 2006
celebrate good times, come on!

This is my 50th post. Sounds like something worth a little celebration, no?
As it would be quite hard for me to reach everyone of you with a piece of my delicious ricotta and chocolate tarte.. I thought a 50some-list was the best thing I could share.. (yep, easy and cheap... )
Keep some toothpicks at handle, you know... just in case..
1) this blog is one of the best things I've given myself as a present.
2) my eyes are dark green. Everyone thinks I wear coloured contacts. I hate when they ask "nice colour... where did you buy your lenses?"
3) I'm a great cook. There are times when I think that I'm not. And that people tell me so just because they have a bad taste... but I'm working on this masochistic side of myself... ;-)
4) When I was 6 I wanted to be an English teacher and hid behind the door of the English class while supposed to play basket (which I hated and still do)
5) Chocolate is my favourite taste ever
6) When I was a baby I talked so much my parents used to get so weary that they were forced to call some relatives to share the stress...
7) I've always thought my brother was a definite genius. Nonetheless I definitely feel that I'm the eldest and can still teach him something.
8) I want to have a baby before I turn 36. At least one.
9) I can't stand raw food but I love sushi and carpaccio.
10) When I started taking the pill I gained some 24 lbs. And looked like this. Fortunately now, after some 14 years of healthy food, I look like this..
11) I don't like very thin men. The entire range from skinny to just thin. It's like there's an aura of frailty about them that deeply disturbs me..
12) I don't eat pork meat, nor lamb, nor small poultry. Actually, I try not to eat anything animal exception made for eggs and milk. And smoked salmon (yep, I'm a sinner)
13) I have an astoundingly high-developed sense of smell. It often happened that I could smell something my man ate or drank (or whatever) even the day before. I have a great sight from the distance and quite a sharp sense of taste, but an awful hearing.
14) I don't like modern fairytales. Exception made for Harry Potter which I ADORE.
15) I only know one lullabye. I'd better learn some others before time comes for me to rock any baby to sleep... ;-)
16) Sometimes I'm so old fashioned in what I do (cooking, sewing, baking, knitting, stitching...) that I wonder if I will ever meet a man who suits me or have to look for Marty McFly in the 50's. In which case, my car's not suitable for the trip..
17) I can't dirty talk out of bed. Overusing words weakens them.
18) I mispelled the italian word for "elephant proboscis" till I was 26. Otherwise I never ever have mispelled an italian word (as far as I know) since I was 7
19) I was a phone addict. My longest phone call lasted 7 hours and a half. Overnight
20) I can't stand birds
21) I own lots of colourful and matching underwear. Posh, funny, cute, sexy.. whatever you're looking for, here it is in my drawer
22) I love swimming but I panick in dark depth
23) Once I had sex inside a wrecked house burned by lava on the slopes of a volcano. The main floor was bottomless and it was very dangerous. Unfortunately that was the only exciting thing about that all..
24) Natural scents - such as that of a man's skin after a shower - really turn me on, just as bad smells make me cranky and aloof
25) I've never bitten my nails
26) I have 52 pairs of shoes. If I were rich I'd have hundreds
27) I never ever lie. Unless THIS is a lie..
28) I'm an excellent driver. And, no, I haven't starred in Rain man..
29) I love travelling by train or plane
30) I'm all for oral sex. Unless it comes to receiving it. And receiving it from a clumsy lover. Jeez!
31) I only have a few memories of my childhood. Nearly none of them is before 1978. It's pathological but true
32) I like myself more than I'm willing to admit even if at times
33) I blame myself for almost anything... much more than a normal human being should... I'm afraid that's what comes with Catholicism..
34) I can't phisically stand men who look like they have no bones.. or make me sense that there's kind of a Mr.Doughnut within them, soft, white, sticky... Good gracious!
35) I don't wear any tattoo but
36) I have a small piercing which I made in Florence some 7 years ago, as a souvenir from that vacation
37) I should put braces on my teeth. It's not they're really really bad but... well, I should. And I will. But not before having found a real significant one (... no connection at all with n.30, you nasty folks..)
38) I do believe that what goes around comes around. The wheel of life and stuff
39) I've been in analysis for three years now, and I don't regret a single cent I've given my holy counsellor
40) I have no regrets about my past. Except for quitting university. That still pangs me like hell
41) I easily fall in love with men who can really teach me something.
42) Yesterday night I ate 1 kg of homemade creme caramel. It was the first time I did it so good and I couldn't resist devouring it!
43) I'm a very good listener even if
44) I talk so so much.
45) I've never faked an orgasm. But I faked excitement, which is maybe even worse... oh, he was sooooo boring...poor one..
46) I'm a Taurus, Cancer ascendant. For what it means.
47) Today I'm in an awful mood. I wish I was home, on the sofa, taking a nap.
48) I'm good at forgiving. Awful at forgetting.
49) I want to start some daily meditation routine very soon
50) I'm quite happy, in the end!