Thursday, December 01, 2005



Today's the first day of a fortnight off work. This year I've worked as a dog and only had some days off, so now (as the lovely buch of morons I work for doesn't want us to accumulate holidays) I MUST stop for some days before Christmas.
Not so bad, I thought.
During the last week I've worked even harder - this is one of the reasons I didn't have the time to write at all - waiting for Dicember 1st as it was the end of a detention.. no crosses on the walls, no banging on the bars of the prison... but you know what I'm talking about..
Seaweed just finished a hard work for the Japan Week in Naples (a great event, I must say) and yesterday we decided to meet, at last.
I was supposed to leave my town on Friday evening and get back here on Tuesday. I checked for plane tickets and decided to buy them today in the morning.
But you know, you can never tell what life has saved for you.. In my case, life kept by for me a raging fever, a flu, the throath full of razor blades, the worst headache ever..
No holidays. No planes. No Seaweed.
Just me and my couch, tigthly held, and those 3 little furry devils.
I know it sounds irresistible, but don't ask for the receipt, like every great chef I don't share my secrets!!!

Glad to know all is well except for the fever, flu, razor blades and "mal di testa". LOL

Stay bundled with the furry ones, (???gatto o cane???), and get better.

I'll have some prosecco today to toast your health.

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